Idmon Sell app for iPhone and iPad
MERCHANT - get your own app to the App Stores.
With your app your customers can:
- reload money and pay at POS
- buy and send gift cards to your app users
- earn loyalty points and receive rewards
We take no fees, zero, on payment transactions.
You receive 100% of customer loaded payments to your bank account.
Activate each feature separately.
You can even send in-app or text messages directly from your admin app.
Admin app is called Idmon Sell.
Idmon requires no extra hardware at POS. Idmon Sell app and your customers app communicate with each other when customer has arrived to your location. You will see profiles of all app users currently at your location. Just click on the customer profile and complete transaction.
Idmon Sell admin app works seamlessly with any iPad POS software. Swipe left and you have your Idmon Sell ready for transaction.
Send us your design or use our template. We will prepare and submit your app for Apple and Android approval and once your app is approved it will be live on the App Store and Google Play. Just start promoting your own app!
Start by downloading Idmon Sell on the App Store and follow the instructions. Choose iPhone version if you are downloading with iPad.